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Head 2 Head

Face-to-face vs. online school
In-person school is more beneficial

In the last couple of years, the debate of online school versus in-person school has been heavily argued. The experience of being in school provides a better learning environment for students to learn.

When you are in school, you are able to interact with so many more people than if you were just at home. You are able to be with friends and have a more personal relationship with teachers.

Being able to be at school also allows you to learn more as well as better since you can actively ask questions and engage with the material. Being able to ask a teacher any question at any time when you do not understand something is instantaneous and easy. Students who are at home do not have this luxury. 

Interacting with people is so important and this was proven during the 2020 quarantine when people were isolated and school was online. When students were deprived of face-to-face interaction, many students struggled with feelings of loneliness and depression.

Many students were not able to learn properly at home and the isolation did not help. Having daily human interaction also helps teens be able to have higher level social skills.

Some may say that in-person school is a waste of time since when you are at home, you can get it done faster and have time to do other things, but most of the time, not being at school can make you more distracted as well as more prone to procrastination. 

Students are also more likely to participate in extracurricular activities if they are at school since most of the time the school offers them. Positive team building and being a part of a community is important for the development of children and teenagers. This adds an extra level of interaction and opportunity for kids.

When you take all of this into account, you can see how being in school is more beneficial to the student’s learning experience.

Online school is better than in-person school

Attending school online versus in person has been a very prominent debate over the past couple of years due to COVID-19. They both have their respective benefits, but online school has the flexibility and freedom to provide better opportunities. 

Online school opens up so many more options for the student. Personal timelines and learning at your own pace can be a big game changer for many. 

Having the opportunity to do school on your own time as well as being able to have a more flexible schedule leads to an overall more balanced life. 

Let’s say you have an activity that you really like to do in the morning: walking your dog, yoga, whatever it may be. Now that you can get up at your own time and start working when it works best for you, you can do those things without having it interfere with the early hours of school. You will wake up and look at the assignment your teacher posted, completing it whenever time works best for you.  

Some may say that online school is not “legit” or it is not the same as attending an in-person school, but that is a gross oversimplification of it. People who generalize and stimulate the idea that online school is not legitimate, do not care enough to learn more about it and its benefits. It is the same curriculum and deadlines, you just get to complete it at your own pace throughout the day, from the comforts of your home. 

As far as interacting with other students and asking questions, students are still able to email and communicate with teachers to get the answers to any questions they may have. Students can still get their socializing in through other day-to-day activities such as sports, clubs, youth groups, and even meeting with other online students. 

There are many hours during the school day that are wasted on things other than instruction and work. Between switching classes and unimportant socializing time, the in-person school day is filled with time wasters. With that time cut out, a student could complete their schoolwork in potentially half the time. 

With this newfound time, students could get ahead, take an extra class, learn a new skill, or even graduate early. I feel as though this opportunity is not as explored as much as it should be in modern public schools. 

After considering the multitude of benefits that go along with attending online school, you will definitely agree that it is the superior choice to in person school.