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Valentine’s Day
There has been a lot of controversy around celebrating Valentine’s Day. Celebrating it allows us to refocus our lens on our loved ones and what matters, but it is also a way for large corporations to profit off the backs of consumers.
There has been a lot of controversy around celebrating Valentine’s Day. Celebrating it allows us to refocus our lens on our loved ones and what matters, but it is also a way for large corporations to profit off the backs of consumers.
Right: Photo via Flickr (@Doc Searls); Left: Photo via
Valentine’s Day helps refocus on loved ones

Valentine’s Day has been getting a lot of flak. The holiday has been celebrated for the past 800 years, and there is no reason to stop now. 

Just like technology, Valentine’s Day evolved in a positive way over time and should be seen as a day to celebrate the people and community around us.

There are so many dividing issues in our communities and countries. Sometimes we are so absorbed in all of it, it is hard to step back and look at the big picture and how far our world has come.

It used to just be a day of romance, but now the holiday is also about showing love to our family and friends. It is about re-shifting our focus away from the things that distract us and being intentional with our loved ones by not only buying them gifts but spending time with them.

There is this idea that Valentine’s Day has become all about consumerism and just buying our loved ones flowers and chocolate, but it has and will always be about loving one another.

Christmas is a holiday rooted upon celebrating the birth of Christ. Much like Valentine’s Day, it is celebrated through showing love to family and friends. One way people show love is by purchasing items intentionally for them. 

There is no way for stores to sell time, and we all know that is the most important part. 

Valentine’s Day is all about spending time with the people we love without the distractions of the world. It is about refocusing our perspective on who we care about and letting them be our priority.

Spending too much for too little

Valentine’s day is a pointless holiday that people celebrate by eating dinner at a fancy restaurant and spending a lot of money. 

Why do we celebrate Valentine’s Day if it does not have a meaning behind it? You can go out for a fancy dinner and buy chocolates and flowers every day. 


Buying decorations that last one day, going to a fancy dinner, or going for a short vacation, can be unnecessarily expensive when you can do that on a typical day. 

Nothing is essential to do on Valentine’s Day itself. Most people stay inside and watch a movie because everything is so expensive now. 

Many families prefer to spend time with each other at home, like in everyday life, because with bigger families, it can become costly to take them out for dinner, lunch, or even breakfast. 

Instead of spending time and money on things that are not important, people should choose to spend quality time with their loved ones. 

Valentine’s should not be celebrated because everything is much more expensive than it used to be. There is nothing being done on Valentine’s Day that cannot be done any other day of the year when it will not cost as much.

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