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Lettuce has many benefits as well as detriments. Lettuce can have negative consequences on people’s digestion as well as makes their food soggy, but it offers a satisfying crunch as well as numerous health benefits.
Lettuce has many benefits as well as detriments. Lettuce can have negative consequences on people’s digestion as well as makes their food soggy, but it offers a satisfying crunch as well as numerous health benefits.
Photo via PXFuel
Lettuce lacks the benefits to make it worth our time

In every sandwich shop and fast-food joint, there are a few staple vegetables which come as a default to the most popular sandwiches and burgers. Lettuce happens to dominate as a crunchy, unflavored water explosion which does not benefit the taste of our food or improve our bodies after ingesting it.

The leafy green is about 95 percent water. Kike many other vegetables leading a similar percentage, the liquid tends to spray as well as seep everywhere after first biting into it. The flavor of lettuce itself is a subtle dirt taste. 

So its only task is to make food crunchy, which is ironic because the go-to vegetable for sandwiches may be the reason people’s food becomes soggy.

Some people enjoy the sweet, muddy crisp of lettuce, especially with it being an apparently healthy substitute for carb-heavy foods such as bread and tortillas. Unfortunately, it is oftentimes hard to digest, leading to health detriments.

Swallowing lettuce is an injurious risk to our health, as our bodies lack the structure to break down its impenetrable cellulose walls. 

Besides the numerous natural health disadvantages, there are man-made roadblocks as well. Oftentimes, lettuces found in grocery stores were raised on contaminated water from animal feces. 

This means lettuce can contain germs and diseases such as E. Coli and Salmonella, many of which are not removable by washing the lettuce. People can get sick from indulging in whatever sort of benefits they see through their kaleidoscope.

Lettuce’s numerous risks far outweigh any unconvincing satisfaction, and with so many vitamin-rich substitutes. such as spinach or just plain water sitting only an arm’s length away, we must consider distancing ourselves from the danger for the love of our own health and not take the risk.

Lettuce, the reason your burger is better

You are out with your family grilling up some burgers. You are talking to someone, and your mom hands you your burger. Without much thought, you take a bite. Instantly you know something is wrong.

Your teeth sink through the burger and it is gone. There is no satisfying crunch, no leafy green, no healthy lettuce.

Lettuce can make a sandwich go from meat in soggy, sauced bread to a recognizable burger with structure and the crunch value that makes you crave another.

With how much lettuce can change your burger, it adds even more diversity when you add in the different types of lettuce. You have your everyday iceberg, your velvety butterhead, and even the slightly bitter frisee.

The leafy green is also an excellent source of vitamins A and Vitamin K. It even contains smaller quantities of vitamin C. All of which aid the body with strengthening the immune system, the creation of various proteins, and tissue repair.

Lettuce is also composed of minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium, which help with blood pressure, blood sugar levels, heart functions, and growth. It is also a low-calorie food. 

Even its water has properties that help with digestion and maintaining a healthy gut. It is full of dietary fiber that assists with digestion while also consisting of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that help prevent stomach inflammation.

Even if you are not a burger person, there are plenty of different ways to enjoy it: a salad, a wrap, in a spring roll, or even a soup. Lettuce has proven itself worthy of being an amazing food to eat with whatever, whenever.

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