Stand Atlantic, the Australian based pop-punk band, redefined the sound of pop-punk with their new album, “Pink Elephant.” Female-led bands deserve more recognition in the music industry, more specifically in the alternative and rock scene. The work of these talented females is typically drowned out due to the clear sexism that is prevalent in the music industry.
Empowering females in the rock scene
Rock is a genre with infinite subgenres, all with varying stereotypes surrounding the overall sound. Most stereotypes lead people to believe that simply because of your gender, you may not be as successful in the music industry. These stereotypes have created a stigma around women in the industry, giving them fewer chances to have their “big break.”
If you were to take a look at the rock charts, you would notice that a considerable majority of the artists are men or male-fronted bands. Sometimes you get a nice surprise of a singular female artist or a woman featured on a song, but it is unfortunately not as common as most of us would like.
Sexism has always been a major factor in the music industry. To be blunt, women get fewer opportunities than men. Men are often viewed as the backbone of the music industry, setting standards for what the music should sound like and how new trends will be executed. Going even further into the stigma, women of color and women that are part of the LGBTQ+ community have an even harder time breaking through.
Thankfully, there are plenty of women who are breaking the proverbial ‘glass ceiling.’ Strong women who serve as role models for young girls everywhere, women that fight for equality, women that are tired of the disrespect they face in the workplace.
These women combat the obtrusive sexism by writing powerful anthems that embrace their femininity and empower all who listen. Songs about social issues, sexuality, mental illness, and the overall struggles of being a woman help these female artists stand out against their male counterparts. Growing up listening to these influential women raises a whole new generation of girls willing to fight for equality.
Click here for a playlist of my top ten favorite women in the rock scene, and explore the story of their influence through the story grid below.