The student-run online newspaper for Starr's Mill High School

Lindsey Byrnes

Lynn Gunn is the sole member of alt-rock band PVRIS. In late August, PVRIS released their third full-length studio album, “Use Me.” Gunn did all of the writing, vocals, instrumentals, and mixing of the new album on her own.


PVRIS has undergone many changes in the five years I have been listening to them. For the longest time, the band was a trio consisting of singer Lynn Gunn, bassist Brian MacDonald, and guitarist Alex Babinski. 

As of 2020, however, the sole remaining member of the band is Lynn Gunn. Babinski was removed from the band after numerous girls came forward with sexual assault allegations against him. MacDonald is technically a part of the band, but only when it comes to touring, along with the band’s touring drummer Justin Nace.

PVRIS released their third full-length album titled “Use Me”  in August. Lynn Gunn not only wrote all of the songs, but she did the vocals, instrumentals, and mixing for each song as well. Past-member MacDonald came forward to denounce himself from the band, not wishing to take any credit away from Gunn for all of the hard work she put into the album.

“Use Me” is definitely a different sound that PVRIS’s first album, “White Noise.” “Use Me” is more electronica-meets-modern-rock while “White Noise” could be described as pop-rock. To this date, “White Noise ” is still my favorite PVRIS album. I cannot help but appreciate the raw emotion in Gunn’s voice and the powerful lyrics in each of the songs.

My favorite song off of “White Noise” comes from the deluxe version of the album. “You and I- Stripped” is one of the most beautiful songs I have ever heard. Gunn’s haunting harmonies throughout the songs are unbelievable — her vocals have been compared to angels in this song due to the way the harmonies effortlessly blend together.

“You and I” is a love song of sorts. Not a traditional love song, but a love song nonetheless. The lyrics of the song depict what it is like trying to love somebody while constantly touring and being away from home. Gunn describes the feeling of loneliness when they are apart, but then the overwhelming warmth when they are finally reunited.

The original version of the song is more upbeat and has more of an electronic sound to it than the stripped version. Both versions of the song are beautiful, but I feel that the stripped version best unveils the true emotions behind the lyrics.

Lynn Gunn is one of my role models. Not only does she make a majority of PVRIS’ music on her own, but she also actively advocates for civil rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and gender equality. I think it is crucial that we have more women like Lynn Gunn in the music industry.

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