Brandi Meeks

Katie Linkner

Brandi Meeks, the new assistant principal at Starr’s Mill, has returned. After teaching Spanish for 21 years, Meeks has stepped up to take an administrative position.

Hayeon Choi, Staff Writer


  • Grew up in Fayette County
  • Graduated from Fayette County High School


  • Undergraduate degree in Spanish from Georgia Southern University
  • Master’s and specialist degrees in educational leadership


  • Oversees testing and graduation
  • Supervises English and math departments

Starr’s Mill welcomes assistant principal Brandi Meeks back to the Panther family. Meeks was an educator at Starr’s Mill for 19 years before she left for Arnall Middle School for two years. At Arnall Middle School, Meeks taught students Spanish as a connections class for two years, then moved back to Starr’s Mill as an administrator. 

“I really enjoyed people from other cultures and people that spoke other languages and I thought it would be a lot of fun to teach people to talk to each other,” Meeks said.

Born in Tampa, Fla., Meeks moved to Riverdale when she was young. When Meeks was in fourth grade, she moved to Fayette County and graduated from Fayette County High School.

Afterward, Meeks went to Georgia Southern University in Statesboro. When she graduated with a degree in Spanish education, she came back and got her first teaching position at Starr’s Mill where she spent the next 19 years.

Over the course of her previous tenure at the Mill, Meeks taught Spanish I, along with German II and III classes. However, her duties will look different as an administrator.

“Testing is probably the biggest thing [I’ll be doing]. I’m starting off with the Pre-ACT, that’s the first time that has been done. Little things that I do are things like obligations, locker, and discipline,” Meeks said.

In addition to taking care of testing, Meeks is also in charge of graduation, as well as supervising the English and math departments.