“I like basketball because it’s a team sport, and I like seeing teams work together and win.”
“I like football, because it’s exciting to watch.”
“I like soccer, because I like running and scoring goals.”
“Football because of the weather, and I get to hit people.”
“Football because you get to hangout with your teammates.”
“Football because of the weather.”
“My favorite fall sport is football, because it’s entertaining.”
“My favorite fall sport is cross country because my brother is a cross country runner and the races are pretty lax. It’s a really good group, and I like watching them.”
“My favorite fall sport is football, because I love the enthusiasm.”
“My favorite fall sport is volleyball because all of my friends play, and it’s a really good sport to meet people.”
“My favorite fall sport is football, because it brings all of my friends together.”
“My favorite fall sport is football, because I used to play back in the day.”