Clubs, organizations help those in need celebrate holidays

Erin McCormick, Staff Writer

Madison Martin
National Honor Society President Kurt Wenske presents a check for $1,500 to Lt. Col. James Ruvalcaba of the U.S. Marines for their annual Toys for Tots campaign. NHS members sold paper trains for a minimum donation of $1 each. Sponsors Tara Burnette (left) and Katie Tucker hold the banner. Cody Clements (right) is the club’s historian.

Waking up on Christmas morning and opening all of the presents given to you is a luxury some members of the community don’t have. Underprivileged families may not be able to cover the expenses of the holidays, so 13 clubs and organizations in our school are giving back to those in need this holiday season.

French Club is taking donations of gently-used clothing to give to Gracie’s Closet. “Gracie’s closet is an organization that collects materials for foster children who don’t get to shop that much and children who cannot afford their own clothing,” said French Club Secretary Emily Treon.

Fellowship of  Christian Athletes is sponsoring a family in need for the holidays. “Our Leadership team is going to go shopping and purchase the items that the children in the family have requested for Christmas,” FCA faculty adviser Amy Evert said. The club hopes to raise enough money to be able to buy additional items for the family as well, Evert said.

Erin McCormick
Freshman Abby Adams puts a donation in the French Club’s Gracie’s Closet box.

FBLA is also helping out the cause. “We are collecting money and canned food donations,” FBLA faculty adviser Patt Coleman said.

FCCLA collected cans for the Fayette Samaritans food pantry. The organization collected 500 cans of food, according to FCCLA faculty adviser Cheryl Clower. They also collected shoe boxes filled with toys for Operation Christmas Child. “We filled 53 shoe boxes with small toys and other needed supplies,” Clower said. In addition, Clower said they donated 4-$25 gift cards to the Starr Stocking Fund for local Starr’s Mill Families.

Beta Club helped out this year by gathering gift cards for Christian City. “We collected the gift cards to give to our students and families in the community who are in need,” Beta Club faculty adviser Kirsten Peavyhouse said.

PALS is collecting donations for The Bloom Closet, a non-profit organization that collects clothes, toiletries, cleaning products, canned goods, and gift cards to movies theaters, restaurants, and clothing stores. Faculty adviser Juliana Wright feels strongly about this charity. “I wanted to be a mom, but God did not bless me with children. Therefore I feel blessed whenever I have an opportunity to help a child in need in any way,” Wright said.

The guidance and front office teamed up to collect gift cards for the Starr Stocking Fund. “We are collecting donations of gift cards from individuals and organizations for students in need this Christmas and throughout the school year,” guidance counselor Connie Patterson said. The guidance office giving the gift cards to families in need at SMHS and the front office is helping to collect gift cards according to front office worker Vicky Swaerkosz.

Octagon Club, like FCA, is sponsoring a family during the holidays. “The grandmother is raising her three grandchildren,” faculty supervisor Nancy Britton said, referring to the family they are helping. “She has a three-year-old granddaughter and a 5-year-old and a 12-year-old grandsons. The grandmother has been raising the children alone since the passing of her husband four years ago.” They are also helping the Peachtree City Optimist Club with their annual food drive. “This year we will be delivering food and gifts to 9 families, including 20 children,” said Britton. In addition, they are also collecting items for The Bloom Closet.

National Honor Society members participated in a Toys for Tots fundraiser. “They give us paper trains, and we ‘sell’ them for a minimum donation of $1 apiece,” faculty adviser Tara Burnette said. “We ask each member to assume responsibility for five trains.” NHS gave anyone who donated funds a miniature candy cane. The member who raised the most money, junior Collin Avidano, received a $25 gift card to Chick-fil-A.  Avidano raised $100.

The Interact Club decided to help the front and guidance office by donating to the Starr Stockings. “We donated $50.00 to Starr Stocking Fundraiser,” faculty adviser Marcela Sample said.

The Spanish Honor Society decided to help Holy Trinity this year. “We are collecting school supplies for the hispanic youth in Holy Trinity,” faculty advisor Madeline Rodriguez said. “They will have a Three Kings Day celebration. These supplies will allow them to get ready for second semester.”

Help was provided to local and international charities this holiday season thanks to these clubs and organizations. “I am very appreciative of our students, faculty, staff, and community for all of their donations. I am amazed and delighted with their generosity year after year,” said Patterson.