Entrepreneurs ‘tee up’ for annual golf tournament

Entrepreneurs ‘tee up’ for annual golf tournament

JC Talbott, Staff writer

“I did this project for the first time years ago,” business teacher Jeffrey Klein. “And every year it continues to be the most anticipated event of the year.”

For 11 years, the entrepreneurship class has organized an annual golf tournament that is played at Whitewater Country Club. This year the tournament will be carried out on March 31 at 10 a.m.

“The entire purpose of the class is that it allows the students to develop and utilize business skills while talking to local businesses,” Klein said. “We try to develop these skills early on so that they can use them later in life.”

Students in the entrepreneurship class contact potential sponsors as part of the process to organize the tournament. These sponsors have the choice of a silver, gold and platinum sponsorship.

The silver, priced at $200, mentions the business in the brochure and reserves a spot for the business’ name and logo on the T-shirts given out during the tournament. For $350, the business receives the benefits a silver sponsorship gives and is formally acknowledged before and after the tournament. The platinum sponsorship for $500 dedicates a hole with a custom sign advertising the business, in addition to perks of the gold sponsorship.

The class takes the name of Produce Resource International at Starr’s Mill, or PRISM for short, when discussing the golf tournament to potential sponsors and golfers. “The tradition of going by ‘PRISM’ was started by the students years ago, and I continue the tradition because it makes the whole experience of working in the real world more unforgettable,” Klein said. “I’ve had former students contact me saying they still remember PRISM.”

PRISM tries to create an unforgettable experience for the golfers, too. They design T-shirts, create goodie bags and organize prizes for the event.

PRISM also donates the money earned in the tournament to the school and organizations such as Close-Up and Future Business Leaders of America. “We put a lot of effort into preparing for the tournament because every year the returns are great,” Klein said. “Last year, we were able to buy colored printers with the earnings.”

With over 70 golfers signed up for March 31, the earnings are expected to be even greater this year.

Although many golfers are registered, it is not too late to play. The deadline is March 25. A golfer may choose from a group size of one to four players. The cost to play is $85 per person, but a foursome can receive a discount and play for $300.

Interested golfers may contact PRISM through the front office at Starr’s Mill by calling 770-486-2710, or they can e-mail PRISM directly at [email protected].

PRISM encourages golfers to come out, have fun, receive prizes and assist young entrepreneurs in receiving a memorable experience.