‘Level 34’ premieres at Atlanta Film Festival
Zach Breder participates in a Q&A session after the premiere of his film “Level 34.” He is joined by the featured actors in his film, Brayden Huffmaster and Ethan Daniels, as well as Amy Alvarez, Vice President of Marketing and Communications for Make A Wish Georgia.
May 4, 2022
Zach Breder, a 16 year-old Make A Wish recipient and student at Cartersville High School, premiered his film “Level 34” on April 29. The film was shown at the Plaza Theatre as a part of the Atlanta Film Festival.
“This wish has shown me what I wanna do with the rest of my life, what I want to do for my career, and this movie is hopefully the first of many,” Breder said.
Breder started working on his film in 2019 and has been working closely with the Georgia Film Academy and the Make A Wish foundation to help his filmmaking dream come true.
Zach Breder is missing the right ventricle in his heart, causing him to need more than 10 surgeries throughout his life. He was approached by the Make A Wish foundation to help adapt his script into a film.
“It was really rewarding, not even just because it was for a wish but because Zach is just a really nice guy and you could tell it was a passion project,” crew member Rebecca Davis said.
Breder’s film was met with overwhelming encouragement from people in the community consisting of friends, family, and those lucky enough to work on set with him. He hopes to continue to make films and there in no doubt he will have fierce support from those around him going forward.