Exam exemptions return to pre-COVID rules

Ella Bissonnette

With exams approaching, coursework and studying is piling up. Semester exams are scheduled for December 13-16.

Ella Bissonnette, Staff Writer

Exam exemptions policies this semester will look similar to what they were before COVID.

“The key change around exam exemptions this year is the introduction or the reintroduction of the general exemptions that will turn into the attendance exemptions,” Assistant Principal Andrea Freeman said.

Attendance is very important. Many studies link attendance to academic achievement. Prior to COVID, Starr’s Mill had an attendance exemption. In order to be eligible to exempt an exam, students had to have above a 70 in that class with no more than five unexcused occurrences.

The return of the attendance exemption replaces the general exemption created during COVID.

The general exception occurred during COVID and gave students one exam exemption if they had at least a 70 or higher.

“I think it is an incentive and reward,” Leonard said. “We want to incentivize kids coming to school because we know that they are going to be more successful, and that incentive sometimes motivates kids to get up and go to school that day.”

Principal Allen Leonard expressed his concern of students coming to school sick. If you are sick, get a note from home-or a doctor’s note. An excused absence will not count against students.

Remember, there are still academic exemptions. With a grade of 95 or better in a class, students have the option to exempt that class’s exam. If enrolled in seven classes at Starr’s Mill, students can have up to three academic exemptions. If not enrolled in seven courses, students can use up to two academic exemptions.

The exam exemption process begins December 5. Semester exams will be held December 13-16.