Quick Hit with Joslyn Weber

“Shut up My Moms Calling” by Hotel Ugly

Cover art for Hotel Ugly’s new single “Shut up My Moms Calling.” Released February of 2020, “Shut up My Moms Calling” features an R&B type sound and a deeper meaning past the title.

Photo via Instagram (@hotel_ugly)

Cover art for Hotel Ugly’s new single “Shut up My Moms Calling.” Released February of 2020, “Shut up My Moms Calling” features an R&B type sound and a deeper meaning past the title.

Joslyn Weber, Staff Writer

Put down that slice of pumpkin pie and listen to the song “Shut up My Moms Calling” by Hotel Ugly.

Hotel Ugly is a small, two-man band out of Houston, Texas. They span many genres, mainly focusing on R&B/pop type music.

Released in February 2020, “Shut up My Moms Calling,” mentions being lonely and wanting to see their significant other. It also explains how they make mistakes in their relationship and no matter how bad it gets, they’ll still want their partner near them.

The song opens with a type of R&B feel to the song. It then goes into a more bouncy sound with a rhythmic beat and background singers that pull it all together into a truly vibey atmosphere. All while the chorus goes on, a small warbling sound is added in the background to give the song more dimension and feel.

The lead singer’s voice adds so much to the song. His choices of pitch and tone make the song what it is. While it doesn’t seem like it, the song makes me want to drive through the mountains and sing it out loud. “Shut up My Moms Calling” is a piece of art.

As my current favorite song, I suggest you hop on to your favorite music streaming app and listen to “Shut up My Moms Calling” by Hotel Ugly.