Quick Hit with Fernanda Orozco

¨This Body Means Nothing To Me¨ by Shrimp

Shrimp sits alone in his home playing the electric guitar. His album “Attack Anxiety” has a great hit called ¨Extraterrestrial Pack.”

Photo via Instagram (@okshrimp)

Shrimp sits alone in his home playing the electric guitar. His album “Attack Anxiety” has a great hit called ¨Extraterrestrial Pack.”

Fernanda Orozco, Staff Writer

Take a step back from school projects to dart outside and catch a breath of fresh air. Maybe even hop on a board and tune into ¨This Body Means Nothing To Me¨ by Shrimp.

The song begins with a somber but upbeat guitar solo, played by Tommy, along with a melancholic harmony leading into the main verse. It then goes on to a more soothing, upbeat chant in which I feel like screaming the words on the tallest mountain. 

The lyrics are poignant, speaking to how the days seem to pass by in minutes and continue to worsen due to not being able to find his true identity. He is standing on the outside, looking into his own body, searching for his true identity. 

Shrimp, born as Tommy Lloyd, was introduced to music at age nine, when he was given a guitar. Throughout his high school years, he joined various bands but ultimately decided he worked better solo. The name ¨Shrimp¨ comes with sentimental value. It developed as Lloyd reminisced about old high school buddies who used to joke around and call him “Shrimp.” 

Shrimp’s musical tone can be seen on the surface as sad and gloomy but taking a second to listen to the lyrics and depth behind it, you will find that it includes bright elements and hopeful verses. 

If you end up enjoying Shrimps’ piece, some other underground tunes you might enjoy include ¨No Air, Nowhere,¨ ¨Sewed Shut,¨ and ¨Doll.”

Sitting alone in your room on a cloudy, rainy day? Listen to “This Body Means Nothing To Me.”