Spotlight On…

Lauren Fleming

Agnes Sorensen, Staff Writer


  • Bachelor’s degree in psychology from University of West Georgia 
  • Master’s degree in school counseling from University of West Georgia


  • Helping students plan for college
  • Helping students manage classes and grades
  • Helping students navigate their emotional, mental, and social needs


  • Five years as admission counselor at University of West Georgia
  • Two years as a school counselor in Douglas County

Starr’s Mill is proud to welcome Lauren Fleming to the guidance department. Fleming joins the Panther family after previously working as a counselor in Douglas County. 

“I just enjoy helping people out,” Fleming said. “That has always been my personality and to help students see the bigger picture.”  

Fleming enjoys working with teenagers and getting to know her students. She helps the students to reach their goals and figure out what they can do by concentrating on positivity. 

Fleming’s high school Spanish teacher helped her to stay on the right path by looking out for her especially before graduation. Fleming’s idol was the school counselor at her first internship, who helped her to realize that school counseling was the profession she wanted to pursue.  

“Sometimes when you are in high school, it’s just so much going on. It’s hard to really be able to focus on what you need to do to get to your goals in the end,” Fleming said. “That’s why I think school counselors step in a lot of times.”

Her two young kids mostly keep her busy, but she enjoys her time outside on walks with her kids and husband. She loves to cook but not baking, and hangs out with college friends and family most weekends.