Nicole Trahan

Isabella Dager, Staff writer

“My favorite part of teaching is getting to work with so many students with all sorts of personalities. I also enjoy seeing students be proud of themselves when their hard work pays off.”


  • From Peachtree City
  • Graduated from Starr’s Mill


  • Attended Kennesaw State University
  • Earned a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in general chemistry with a minor in forensics
  • Earned a Master’s of Arts Degree in teaching chemistry


  • Teaches biology and forensic science
  • Coaches football cheerleading, competition cheerleading, and basketball cheerleading


Starr’s Mill welcomes science teacher Nicole Trahan to the Starr’s Mill family.This is Trahan’s first year teaching since she graduated from the Mill in 2008.

Before Trahan was hired, she used to work at a veterinary clinic through college, and worked as an intern in the drug lab at the Georgia Bureau of Investigation . She also taught as a substitute teacher throughout Fayette County and went on to pursue a teaching career. “I chose the teaching profession because I thought I would enjoy it,” Trahan said. “I had been working as a substitute and really loved it, so I decided to make it my profession.”

Trahan mainly wanted to teach because she has always enjoyed making a difference in students’ educational lives. One of her favorite parts of teaching is when a student has their “aha” moment and finally understands a new concept. She said those moments inspire her to keep teaching.

Trahan’s goal for the school year is “to get along with my students and teach them something that they can apply to life.”