
Jeers to the Astroworld fiasco, where multiple people were injured and eight people died due to a “crowd surge.” 

How are we supposed to have Thanksgiving without pumpkin pie and turkey?

Jeers to Daylight Saving Time. Do we really need to reset our clocks two times a year? It seems kind of pointless in modern times. 

Jeers to the shortage of canned pumpkin and turkeys. How are we supposed to have Thanksgiving without pumpkin pie and turkey?

Jeers to colds. It’s that time again, y’all, where our throats are all dry and our noses are all runny. It seems like every day another classmate is missing.  

Jeers to mid-day dual enrollment classes. So you get up early to go to school here at Starr’s Mill, then around 3rd period you have to leave to go to a dual enrollment class, but you’re still not done as you have to come back to Starr’s Mill. It’s just not practical.