
Jeers to this week kicking off AP exams. Who is ready to pull constant all-nighters and have multiple mental breakdowns? Yay!

Who is ready to pull constant all-nighters and have multiple mental breakdowns?

Jeers to group projects when no one helps. Group projects are supposed to be a fun way to divide up hard work, but instead one person always ends up doing everything. 

Jeers to having tests on the same day as AP exams and Milestones. Look teachers, we understand if it is not the exam or Milestone for your class and you give a test, but at least allow students class time to make it up or give an alternative assignment that can be done at home. But if it is the exam or Milestone for your class, and you still give a test or homework that day, we now harbor ill feelings toward your class. Respectfully, of course. 

Jeers to body odor. JUST. WEAR. DEODORANT. It is not that hard! No one wants to smell you. 

Jeers to the location of our 700 hall vending machines. Now we feel the need to be more specific here, it is not the spot itself that makes this a jeer. It is the people that crowd it during class change. It does not take five people to get one person some chips.