Orange juice, the healthier choice

Jae Ardoin, Staff Writer

Orange juice is a liquid extract of the orange tree fruit, produced by reaming or squeezing oranges. OJ comes in many different varieties of oranges, like blood orange, valencia orange, navel orange, clementine, and tangerines, my favorite. Out of all of the citrus juices, OJ is the most common. 

Significant antioxidants and chemopreventive constituents presented in OJ include ascorbic acid, carotenoids, terpenoids, glycosides, and folic acid. All of these big words that I just named that you have probably never heard of help your body form blood vessels, cartilage, muscle, and collagen in bones, can protect you from disease, and enhance your immune system.

OJ can help you a lot when you are sick. OJ has vitamin C in it, and vitamin C boosts your immune system. I know this because personally when I feel stuffy I drink orange juice and it improves my stuffiness almost right away.

Although people might say, “OJ has too much pulp,” just get pulp-free OJ. Almost every store offers it.

In the years 2020 and 2021 on the US average an estimated 497,000 metric tons of OJ was consumed domestically in the United States. So for OJ being mainly a breakfast juice, it is consumed a lot, with the numbers continually rising every year.

And for you apple juice drinkers, all I have to say to that is that what you are drinking tastes like water. Apple juice is really a kid’s drink. When you get a kid’s meal from any place you always have the choice of getting apple juice. I would be shocked to see a grown man walking down the street drinking out of a juice box. 

Orange juice clearly wins this argument. It tastes better, has major health benefits, and has tons of consumers from all ages.