Student artist paints up profits

Courtesy of Erin McCormick

One of McCormick’s masterpieces. Paintings like this will be sold to audiences at the event this Saturday.

Jacob Hunt, News co-Editor

Typical high school students have a common routine they follow their four years at the Mill. They study, do homework, get a job, and participate in at least one activity they are passionate about. One inspiring student has found a way to turn the activity she loves into a business opportunity. Senior Erin McCormick is an inspiring artist who will be selling her artwork on Oct. 14. “I like how much of a creative outlet [art] is,” McCormick said.

For McCormick art is an expressive activity that she loves doing. She started when she was three years old with finger painting and has progressed from there. At Starr’s Mill she has taken several art classes and has done a variety of art including painting, drawing, and abstract.

“[Artwise] I do a little of everything. I’ll do an abstract piece and then a portrait for my next work, so it really depends,” McCormick said.  

McCormick is proud to sell her art, for the second time this school year. Previously, McCormick teamed up with senior Sarah Grace Biddle and presented her art in a gala-type setting at the Shakerag Festival. Patrons browsed their various works and purchased them. The first event was so successful McCormick has decided to do another art sale at the Night Market.

The Night Market is the first International art market in Atlanta. The event will feature hundreds of vendors. McCormick will sell various pieces from her collection including paintings and a few drawings.

McCormick also enjoys photography and has a variety of nature pictures she captured while out hiking. She will be selling these photos along with her artwork at the sale.  

The event will be from 6 to 11 p.m. on Oct. 14 at Drake Field in Peachtree City, Ga. Come out and support a fellow Panther and buy one of McCormick’s masterpieces.