The wrecking ball of communication
Students want to talk about more than just academics
History teacher Jason Flowers has a casual conversation with his daughter. Students do not appreciate an overabundance of interest in their academics and desire a broader range of discussion topics.
August 31, 2017
The dinner table has gradually become silent, and all potential conversation remains tight lipped. The answer to the notorious “How was school?” question is a undecipherable grunt.
But when did simple questions become so difficult for students to answer? There are many topics available to discuss around a table, or even any kind of gathering that involves family: school, grades, sports. Sadly, many high schoolers live with dread, knowing the consultation about grades and assignments is in the near future. A systematic sampling of A lunch high school students proved this. Sophomore Dhara Padhiar pointed out that she enjoys conversations about “something that doesn’t involve grades.”
Eighty percent of students said that they talk to their parents once everyday. However, the average rating of quality was a 1, from a scale of -5 to 5. Sophomore Lindsay Martin was an outlier, rating conversations with her mother as a 5. She said that she asks her about “how [her] life was going.” She did not specify grades or sports as a specific topic.
Excessive conversing about academics can be the wrecking ball of all future conversations. There are other subjects that can be discussed and included with classes and grades. Even though scholastic goals are very important to talk about, they shouldn’t be the main topic of the conversation. If the child wants to talk about the weird kid in class whose girlfriend’s cousin’s boyfriend’s classmate made a ridiculous comment, it should be a valid topic to consider.
I believe that high school students may come out and discuss their grades and class work willingly if they knew their parents cared about them in more ways than just academics. Keep the communication building erect, and avoid hitting it with the subject wrecking ball.