Panther Reads
“The Greatest Short Stories of Leo Tolstoy”

“Collected Short Stories (Great Author Series)” by Leo Tolstoy features over 120 short stories. Some of the more commonly known short stories included are “Alyosha the Pot” and “Ivan the Fool.”
In this segment of “Panther Reads,” we feature Starr’s Mill’s economic teacher Mark DeCourcy, who recently read “The Greatest Short Stories of Leo Tolstoy” by Leo Tolstoy, a Russian writer who focuses on deeper topics in his stories.
“I have a hobby of Russian stuff,” DeCourcy says. “I was talking to Mr. Kendall about it, and he said [Tolstoy] had a collection of short stories.”
Leo Tolstoy is famously known for his 1869 novel “War and Peace,” a historical novel centering on Napoleon’s 1812 Russian invasion. Themes in “War and Peace,” such as family values, human motivation, and Russian social issues, are also displayed in Tolstoy’s various short stories.
“They’re all good reads,” DeCourcy said. “It’s human nature stuff.”
DeCourcy described one story “Alyosha the Pot” as a sadder story. “Alyosha the Pot” is about a simple Russian worker, following the story of his senseless-yet-calm life, leading up to his inevitable death. The short story shares the details of Alyosha, a spineless worker trying to make a living to support himself and his family.
Other stories DeCourcy mentioned that stood out to him include “The Death of Ivan Ilyich” and “Hadji Murat.” Both are stories about social and civil issues in Russian society in the 1800s.
Leo Tolstoy has a lot to offer, from short stories to full-length novels. Tolstoy’s work includes a wide variety of Russian literature that will captivate anyone interested in history.