
Cheers to the school year coming to an end. Our seniors only have eight days of school left, everyone else has 13 days. Make the most of these last few weeks!

Cheers to the track and field, girls lacrosse, and baseball teams. They are the only sports teams still playing this late in the season. #SMPantherPride!

Cheers to graduation taking place on May 28. Graduation will start at 7 p.m. in Panther Stadium.

Cheers to tea. There are so many different tea leaves you can use, each with different medicinal purposes and benefits. My personal favorite tea right now is chai tea, specifically iced chai tea. 

Cheers to graduation taking place on May 28. Seniors have been waiting years for this momentous event, and the time is finally here. Graduation will start at 7 p.m. in Panther Stadium. The event will be live-streamed for those who will not be able to attend.

Cheers to sea horses. Not only are they cute creatures, but did you know that they can get married? Sea horses are, ironically, very poor swimmers. They often rely on a partner they “marry” to stay safe while swimming.