More than just choosing to terminate

Katie Johnson, Staff Writer

Everyone has the right to choose what they what to do with their own body, be it carrying a child or having an abortion. 

The moment a child is conceived in the womb is the moment the mother has the right to have an abortion. 

— Staff Writer Katie Johnson

The moment a child is conceived in the womb is the moment the mother has the right to have an abortion. 

Many people are against having an abortion due to it terminates a life. What many people do not understand is the reason behind the choice of ending the pregnancy. 

Most women who seek an abortion usually have multiple reasons why abortion is the right choice. These reasons could be financial, the timing of the child’s arrival, or an inability to properly care for or support an additional life.

In a study done by BMC Women’s Health, many women stated that if they had continued on with the pregnancy they would have struggled with money. Some are already living paycheck to paycheck. 

This also includes not wanting to rely on the government for support, which only creates additional burdens for the taxpayers.

— Staff Writer Katie Johnson

They do not want to depend on others to help take care of the child. This also includes not wanting to rely on the government for support, which only creates additional burdens for the taxpayers.

Another reason is it not being the right time to have a child. Most women who have a baby are young enough to be in college or looking for a well-paying job and do not have the means to start a family early. Some young mothers who have children already feel like they are struggling to find enough money to take care of their everyday needs already.

One in five women reported that they chose to have an abortion because they felt a baby at the time would interfere with their future goals and opportunities in general, or, more specifically, with school or career plans. Others would want to find a job and have a stable career before having a child. 

Many people do not understand how a woman has to be in the right mind to be able to take care of the child she is carrying…

— Staff Writer Katie Johnson

While most women want children, many think they are emotionally or mentally unprepared to raise a child. Many people do not understand how a woman has to be in the right mind to be able to take care of the child she is carrying, by doing regular checkups, eating healthy, having prenatal care, and being able to take care of herself and not get stressed out. 

Many women also choose to have an abortion due to health related issues, including concerns for the survival of the fetus and even the mother.

While many people are not for the choice of abortion, they need to understand that the choice is more than just terminating a pregnancy.