Exercise, the most efficient way to shed weight

Drew McCarthy, Editor

Obesity is a medically dangerous state for an individual to be in. It is of utmost importance to maintain a healthy weight as being obese comes with a great amount of side effects and health risks. The absolute best way to lose weight if you are obese is to exercise.

Utilizing what causes a calorie deficit is how you lose weight.

— Editor Drew McCarthy

Meaningful and effortful physical activity, which can take many different forms, has an important faculty that facilitates weight loss. It is actually quite simple. Utilizing what causes a calorie deficit is how you lose weight.

A calorie deficit is defined as the process that occurs when you consume fewer calories than the amount required to fuel your body’s essential functions and daily activities. When in a calorie deficit, your body will break down fat to get the extra energy it needs, decreasing your weight.

It is truly as simple as burning more calories than you consume. While having a healthy diet is extremely important it will not have the desired effect of weight loss. There are some definite benefits of a healthy diet like a decreased rate at which you gain fat and a much easier time exercising due to increased energy levels, but there is no true weight eliminating food.

While exercising is extremely important in losing fat, it can also become dangerous. Exercising is extremely efficient in burning fat but over exercising causes the body to burn muscle instead of fat which, needless to say, is very very bad. 

Exercising also replaces your fat with muscle which can also be extremely helpful. Replacing the fat with a healthier type of weight also lightens your load literally. It is much easier to carry 100 pounds of muscle than 100 pounds of fat. 

While gaining muscle and losing fat are both very good, it is also important to maintain a healthy body fat percentage. This varies between genders, but is vital in determining overall health. It is an important factor because a person with a lot of weight in muscle could be considered overweight when in reality they are perfectly healthy. 

Knowing the percentage of fat your body has can help appropriately categorize you as obese or not. This is noteworthy because one who has a healthy body fat percentage but considered overweight is not actually unhealthy and that is the real problem, losing weight in fat to become healthy.

The idea of losing weight is extremely simple and anyone can do it. If you or an acquaintance is affected by obesity, I recommend exercising and keeping a healthy diet but exercising is the most important overall.