Dress code changes don’t alter opinions

Shelby Foster

Students line up to test the length of their shorts. Many students are called out of class or stopped in the hallways by administrators to determine if they are abiding by the dress code.

Emma Posey, Staff Writer

A student gets called up to the front office and instinctively reaches down to pull her shorts to the correct length. Every time an administrator passes, girls wearing tank tops hurry to brush their hair over their shoulders.

“It’s too restrictive and we shouldn’t have to take time out of the school day to check if our shorts are a centimeter above fingertips,” junior Chad Evans. “They claim it prevents distractions, but I’m more distracted by their incessant enforcement of it.”

Dress code — the topic that has graced the lips of many students attending Starr’s Mill. Many agree that it has become more strict throughout the years.

“It’s demeaning towards girls,” junior Maddee Rockwell said.

The beginning of the year prompted a change in the dress code. The major changes included: the rule for tank top straps changing from three finger wide straps to four fingers, and all shorts, skirts, and dresses must be finger-tip or mid-thigh length.  This new policy comes right along with the 90 degree weather. It seems to be expected of students to fully cover up and wear clothing that does not agree with the heat.

Dress codes at most colleges are far more relaxed than in high school. The University of Georgia does not even have one. 

High schools all over the U.S. have been taking on new approaches to dress code. Evanston Township High School in Illinois completely revised theirs and have gotten lots of positive feedback. According to Fox News, “[It’s] only requirements in terms of covering skin are that ‘genitals, buttocks, breasts, and nipples are fully covered with opaque fabric.’ It explicitly states that students are allowed to wear pajamas, tank tops, religious headwear, leggings, and visible bra straps.”

Starr’s Mill should take a look at the changes made by the Evanston Township High School, and re-examine its current dress code.